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What requirements must be met in order for a personal test result to be successfully transmitted via the Corona-Warn-App?

Janina Hoerdt, on September 11, 2020

In order to ensure that users receive their test results via the Corona-Warn-App, the following points are important:

  1. When taking the swab, ask your doctor or the test center if the laboratory with which the doctor or the test center is working is connected to the Corona-Warn-App.
  2. Make sure that the staff at the test center has explained the consent to process data for the Corona-Warn-App to you and that you have ticked the corresponding box on the form for the laboratory. Only then can your test be further processed in the laboratory. You will not receive any test results via the Corona-Warn-App if you have not given your consent to the data transfer on the form.
  3. If you have consented to the data transfer, make sure that the bottom half of the form, the so-called patient information with the QR code, is handed to you by the staff at the test center and keep it until you have received the test result.
  4. Scan the QR Code as soon as possible and only scan it once. The transmission of the test result to the Corona-Warn-App only works if you scan the QR code with the Corona-Warn-App.
  5. To get your result, open the Corona-Warn-App regularly and update the result screen. The result is usually sent to the Corona-Warn-App after 2-3 working days and displayed with the update.