Since it is no longer possible to warn other users through the Corona-Warn-App regarding an increased risk of infection as of May 1, 2023, you can no longer use the QR codes created on this page or with other tools to register for events and locations. As such, the information on this page is related to features of the app that are no longer available as of May 1, 2023. For more information, click here: What is the background for the end of the development of the CWA?

How do I use the official Corona-Warn-App QR code tool?

This step-by-step guide will help you to create QR codes one by one or several QR codes at once.

Step 1: Installing node.js on your Windows PC

Open the website, download the 'LTS version', and install it after successful download.


We explicitly point out that you should not set the checkmark at the following pop-up window. The installation can also be done without this additional option.

Window text :
Some npm modules need to be compiled from C/C++ when installing. If you want to be able to install such modules, some tools (Python and Visual Studio Build Tools) need to be installed.

[ ] Automatically install the necessary tools. Note that this will also install Chocolatey. The script will pop-up in a new window after the installation completes.

Alternatively, follow the instructions at to install the dependencies yourself.


When the installation is completed successfully, you will see the following confirmation:

Window text :

Completed the Node.js setup wizard

Click the 'Finish' button to exit the setup wizard.

Node.js has been successfully installed


Step 2: Opening and using the command prompt

If you want to do this step faster, you can download a batch file that will make you skip the following sub-steps here. Download the file and run it, then you can go directly to step 3. If you prefer the manual way, type 'cmd' in the taskbar in the field illustrated below.


Open the suggested 'Command Prompt' application by clicking on it.


The following window will open:
Window text :
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19041.388]
(c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten


Copy the bracketed text (npm install cwa-event-qr-code --global), paste it into the command prompt window using the key combination Ctrl + V, and confirm your input afterwards with the 'Enter' key.

Window text :
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19041.388]
(c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten
C:\Users\...> npm install cwa-event-qr-code --global


After successful execution, a confirmation is displayed:
Window text :
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19041.388]
(c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten
C:\Users\...> npm install cwa-event-qr-code --global
C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\npm\cwa-event-qr-code -> C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\cwa-event-qr-code\bin\cli
> protobufjs@6.10.2 postinstall C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\cwa-event-qr-code\node_modules\protobufjs
> node scripts\postinstall

+ cwa-event-qr-code@1.3.0
added 79 packages from 121 contributors in 3.59s

C:\Users\... >


Then copy the following 4 comma-separated input commands, paste them one by one and confirm them in the same order: cd /d %USERPROFILE%/Downloads, mkdir event-qr-codes, cd event-qr-codes, mkdir qr-codes-results. This will result in a new folder called 'event-qr-codes' being created in your downloads folder, where the fourth input command will create another folder called 'qr-codes-results'. Make sure to keep the command prompt opened.

Step 3: Use of the example file

Click here to download the sample file that's now required. The sample file 'tables.csv' must be moved to the newly created folder 'event-qr-codes'. (if you used the batch file before, it was created automatically)


Later you can completely adjust this sample file to your individual use.

Step 4: Converting the .csv file to QR-codes

If you want to do this step faster, you can download another batch file here that will make you skip the following sub-steps, and will help you in the future when creating your QR codes for your own use. Save it in the 'event-qr-codes' folder you created. So if you are using the batch file, you should proceed to the last sub-step in step 4. If not, go back to the command prompt that is ideally still open. If you accidentally closed the command prompt after step 2, you can restart the command prompt, and use the command cd /d %USERPROFILE%/Downloads/event-qr-codes to get to the starting point you now need. So now to convert the .csv file data to the quality of QR codes, copy the bracketed text (cwa-event-qr-code file --csv tables.csv --dest qr-codes-results), paste it with the key combination already mentioned above and confirm your input with the 'Enter' key.

Window text :
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19041.388]
(c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten
C:\Users\... > cd /d %USERPROFILE/Downloads
C:\Users\...\Downloads>mkdir event-qr-codes
C:\Users\...\Downloads>cd event-qr-codes
C:\Users\...\Downloads\event-qr-codes>mkdir qr-codes-results
C:\Users\...\Downloads\event-qr-codes>cwa-event-qr-code file --csv tables.csv --dest qr-codes-results


After successful input, the command prompt will confirm the creation of the desired QR codes.
Window text :
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19041.388]
(c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten
C:\Users\... > cd /d %USERPROFILE/Downloads
C:\Users\...\Downloads>mkdir event-qr-codes
C:\Users\...\Downloads>cd event-qr-codes
C:\Users\...\Downloads\event-qr-codes>mkdir qr-codes-results
C:\Users\...\Downloads\event-qr-codes>cwa-event-qr-code file --csv tables.csv --dest qr-codes-results
Created qr-codes-results\qr_table3.png
Created qr-codes-results\qr_table1.png
Created qr-codes-results\qr_table2.png
Created qr-codes-results\qr_table4.png
Created qr-codes-results\qr_table5.png
Created qr-codes-results\qr_bar.png
Done creating 6 QR code(s).



You can now access the created QR codes as follows: Open your Downloads folder, open the 'event-qr-codes' folder inside it, and then open the 'qr-codes-results' folder inside it. All the QR codes you have created will be there.


Step 5: Continous use with your own data

Now that you have successfully created the sample QR codes, with the help of the following information, you should be able to customize the required .csv file entirely to your own functional area. Open the sample file in Excel.


Adjust the data below the first line according to your needs. Ideally, do not change anything in the first line, as its entire content must remain present, but the order does not matter. Further information on the individual columns and their meaning can be found in the two following tables. To perform the creation process from now on it is best to start at step 4 again, but to save yourself some time you can also use the batch file we provide, at the beginning of step 4. If you plan to rename the sample file based on your intended use, keep in mind that you will then need to use your own file name instead of 'tables.csv'. If you have already used the batch file, have adjusted your data and want to create new QR Codes, but have not changed the name of the .csv file, run the batch file again with a double click. If you have changed the name of the .csv file, there are the following ways to adjust the batch file to it. Either open the command prompt (see step 2) and enter these two comma-separated lines one by one: 'cd /d %USERPROFILE%/Downloads/event-qr-codes, generateEventQRCodes.bat FILENAME.csv', or edit the batch file and replace the name where 'tables.csv' is with your file name.

Table 1: Explanation of each column

Column Additional information
filepath The name of the file that's about to be created, including its file extension (if you're using 'file', only use .png or .svg, if you're using 'poster' only use .pdf). Make sure not to use the same name twice!
description Details of the place of use (will be displayed in the first line on posters)
address Address of the place of use (will be displayed in the second line on posters)
startdate The first time the QR-code will be used. Your input must fit this format: year-month-dayThour:minute. Example: 2021-09-16T12:00 (not required for 'places', see table 2)
enddate The last time the QR-code will be used. Your input must fit the format mentioned above. (not required for 'places', see table 2)
type The type of use. Take a look at the second table, where we listed all possible types.
defaultcheckinlengthinminutes The time people will usually spend at your place of use. This is only a recommendation, people will still be able to change their time.

Table 2: Explanation of each type

Type value Art Place or event?
1 Other place Place
2 Other event Event
3 Retail Place
4 Hospitality Place
5 Craft business Place
6 Workspace Place
7 Education facility Place
8 Public building Place
9 Cultural event Event
10 Club activities Event
11 Private party Event
12 Religious service Event